It's Friday, what are you most likely to be doing?

How could people best describe you in one word?

Pick a favorite color out of these options:

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Are you a people person?

Would people say that you are a talker?

What's your body type?

Pick a favorite food item from this list:

Choose an exercise:

What's your work ethic like?

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever

Loyalty is everything to you, and your life wouldn't be complete without your family and friends right their by your side. You love adventure and aren't afraid to try new things. Sometimes you may be too nice to people, but that's just your nature, to treat everyone with kindness.



You're the active type, and sometimes you may have a hard time sitting still. You love to talk and get into deep conversations with friends. People know that with you what they see is what they get, because you wear your heart on your sleeve.



Life is better with laughter, and you know how to let loose. You're caring and lovable, and people are drawn to you for your laid-back attitude. Something about you makes people smile!

German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog

Strong, hardworking, determined, there is nothing that you can't do if you set your mind to it. You love to challenge yourself, and setting goals is your thing. People know you're tough, but they also know that you have a soft side to you that you aren't afraid to show to those you care about.

French Bulldog

French Bulldog

You are one of a kind, that's for sure! People are naturally drawn to you for your sense of humor and overall likability. When it comes to life, you live your life how you want to live it, each day at a time and according to your rules!



You don't mind being the center of attention, and people know that you are the life of the party. Sometimes you can have a feisty side to you, but hey, that's just one of your many charms!



You don't like being judged, and extend this same courtesy to others. Sometimes you feel like people don't seem to understand you, and you can be sensitive about certain things. Being with those you love is your favorite thing in the world.



You're not afraid to work for what you want, and no one could ever call you lazy! You know how to impress people and you pride yourself on your smarts. People admire you for your confidence and the way you carry yourself, with your head held high!