1 / 10

Finish the lyric: "Summer loving, ________ / summer loving, happened so fast."

2 / 10

In what decade does the movie take place?

3 / 10

Where does Sandy move from?

4 / 10

What's the name of the high school?

5 / 10

Danny Zuko is the leader of the group known as ____.

6 / 10

Who is the leader of the Pink Ladies?

7 / 10

Which of the following does NOT take place in the movie?

8 / 10

Frenchy briefly drops out of Rydell High to do what?

9 / 10

Who plays Frenchy's fantasy guardian angel?

10 / 10

At the carnival, Danny and Sandy are _______ during "You're the One That I Want."

Questions left