What if your personality was represented by a specific holiday? What holiday are you most like? You could be generous like Thanksgiving, jolly like Christmas, sweet like Valentine's Day, or even spooky like Halloween. Take this quiz and the result will reveal how you are like a certain holiday!

What word describes you best?

Which trait describes you best?

Which season do you thrive in?

Which image resonates with you most?

What other word describes you best?

How do people describe you?

What kind of movie would you watch?

What other word describes you best?

What is most important to you?

How many friends do you have?

You are most like Christmas!

You are most like Christmas!

You always seem happy, sometimes for no reason. You light up a room when you walk in and are great at cheering people up. Like the Christmas holiday, everywhere you go, you spread joy, you are also creative and have a tendency to bake.

You are most like Halloween!

You are most like Halloween!

Like Halloween, you have a dark side. Like the eclipse of a moon, you may seem innocent on the outside, but your inner world is full of mystery and intrigue. You may also be introverted and slightly rebellious.

You are most like Valentine's Day!

You are most like Valentine's Day!

Okay, okay, we know this is not an 'official holiday', but what can we say? You love to love! You also may love to gossip and are a good communicator. You can't bear to be single longer than a few months and you are really good with animals!

Which holiday do you think has the best food?

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